Monday, 17 June 2019


I made up my mind to write this all down. I don't know why. It's not like the first one of you motherfuckers who stumbles across it isn't going to just erase it.

I guess... Listen. If that's you - whoever you are - I know the rules; but I have to do something. I tried to leave it alone. I tried just getting on with my life; but I can't not say something. I can't just let...


You know what I mean.  Right?


I think the hardest thing I ever had to come to grips with is no longer being human.

No. That's not right. That was the first hurdle, I think. What I had to do was accept the fact that I am not human. At least, not human the way most people think "human." I had to come to grips with the difference between "me" and the "not me" I used to live my whole life believing I was.

Does that sentence make any sense?

This is harder than you think it is. It's harder than it should be.

These hands: they are not me. This breath: it is not me. I am not the sights or the sounds or the smells or tastes or feelings or maybe even the thoughts that come in at me from the universe. I am neither the receiver of these impulses, nor the reactions they elicit in this animated meat body I once called "me."

I am not this bag of flesh and bone and water. Hell - I am not the molecules or atoms or even the smaller particles that form around me and force me to experience reality through so limiting a filter as humanity.

I'm not saying it right. I can't articulate the thoughts in my head that want to exist here. Shit.

I don't know why I'm beating myself up about it. It took me almost a decade to sort through all this shit; and I kept wondering - the whole time - "why isn't there a manual for this?"

Why isn't there even just... I don't know: a flow-chart or something to show me how to get there? I hope you don't think that's what this is going to be. I mean... You just can't do it.

If you understand it, then you'll understand it when you see it. If  you don't get it - well... It really can't be explained.

The Tao that can be named is not the Eternal Tao.

Motherfucker that used to piss me off. I think Yoda got it pretty close in Empire, when he said, "Luminous beings are we. Not this crude matter."

Which is close; but then - of course - it misses the mark by miles. And miles. I feel bad for even trying to explain it. I guess the reason for the ban on teaching is all this confusion. The depression that threatens to set upon me and give me stutter.

But then I have to answer you when you say, "what the fuck is stutter?" And I don't even know if I can do that right. Dammit.

Let me change gears here, and tell you a story.

The first time I crossed paths with another person like me was in 1978, just after I managed to break what I call the 6th Barrier (I will explain these things if I can). His name was Roland.

This is kind of a story about him - the reason I'm writing this. I didn't think this part would be so hard.

Roland was... odd, then. He had a long, scraggly beard and Einstein hair. I was at a small cafe in Paris, France, enjoying the company of a beautiful, young fille whose name escapes me at the moment. She had the best laugh, and she'd just said something funny. I remember I looked up from the conversation for just a moment, and I saw him.

He looked like a homeless man, begging for liquor money - only it was like looking into the sun, he was so brilliant. Like I didn't have to try to see his aura, because his aura manifested so powerfully it almost hurt to look at him. He was just standing there, staring at me.

Christ, I thought, is that what I look like?

Madeleine. The girl's name was Madeleine. I think I excused myself, telling her how mind-bogglingly beautiful she was, and I'd be right back, and I walked away from her forever.

Oh, sure... I could go back. I may even get drunk enough or lonely enough to do it still; but right now, she is this perfect funny, beautiful, young goddess - and nothing can tarnish that truth. If... shit - when I go back to her, she will become something new. She will be human again. Limited. Flawed. Real.

I'll hold onto the goddess awhile longer; but I'm off on a tangent. I was trying to tell you about Roland.

I walked up to the man and shook his hand. He cracked a joke in French about needing something to warm him up, and I gave him $100, US; then we ducked into a small tavern I knew half-way around the world.

This may take some time to explain.

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